When it comes to property investments, one of the critical things you have to understand is the difference between ROI (Returns on Investment) and ROE (Returns on Equity).
That’s because property investments allow you to borrow money from the bank which increases your returns dramatically.
Often, when we hear about investors talking about Singapore properties’ rental returns such as 3% to 4% rental yield, what they are referring to is the ROI.
Return on Investments basically takes into account the value of the property rather than the cash you actually put in.
Returns on Equity vs Returns on Investment – Understand the Difference
Sam bought a $2m condominium which gives him a monthly rental of $6K.
The formula (Rental x 12 months / $2,000,000) shows us a rental return of 3.6% annually.
Today, banks pay less than 1% per year on savings deposits.
Longer term fixed deposits pay 1.5%.
Properties in Malaysia and Philippines may pay rental yields of 5-8% but they come with higher risks, higher loan interest rates and more work/expenses in managing the leases.
Thus, investors may say that Singapore properties are less attractive today.
Is that true?
Well, yes and no.
With prices climbing throughout the past decade, it is without a doubt that yields will be compressed.
Any market in the world has similar patterns. When prices increase, yields drop. That is simple economics.
However, take a look at the bigger (Or Actual) picture – which is ROE.
Return On Equity for properties are extremely attractive if you know how to make leverage work in your favour and more accurately paint a picture of your returns.

Analysis of Actual Returns on Equity:
Sam buys a $2m condominium as an investment with 20% downpayment and 80% bank loan.
His actual cash downpayment is only $400k while the bank lends him $1.6m (OPM – Other people’s money).
With a monthly rental of $6k, he is in fact getting a rental return on equity of 18%! ($6,000 x 12 / $400,000).
There is no other investment vehicle that can give you this extent of leverage, yield, loan tenure and the flexibility of enjoying the condominium facilities at the same time!
Only a physical property can.
If we nett off the expenses that come with owning the property ($400/mth maintenance fees, $600/mth property tax, Commission $250/mth, Misc repairs, $100/mth), the nett rental return on equity after expenses is still 13.95%!
Of course, there are costs associated with the loan as well.
Based on 1% interest, monthly interest costs is roughly $1,300, based on 2% interest, monthly cost is roughly $2,600.
Since the loan is amortizing in nature, the interest costs go down over time.
Based on returns after deducting interests, they are approximately 10% nett ROE returns for 1% interest, 8% for 1.5% interest and 6% for 2% interest.
Still pretty attractive isn’t it?
Yes, there is no doubt that Singapore properties aren't cheap as they were pre-2000.
However, there are still undervalued condos out there that have not appreciated as much as the market and still provide great returns on equity!
If the client keeps his funds in the bank, inflation at 2-3% an annum is eroding his savings.
Even if he were to invest in equities/derivatives/Gold etc.. banks will typically not provide loans of up to 80%, 30 years repayment periods or similarly low mortgage interest rates.
It is next to impossible to find such leveraging opportunities (Read: Other People’s Money) with most other investment vehicles.
If one were to invest abroad, it will still be difficult to get such favourable loan repayment, interest rates or loan to value limits.
Opportunities are still present for those who know how to fully grasp and apply the concepts of Property Wealth Planning to build their wealth.
Do not conveniently assume that just because the Singapore market cycle hasn't corrected much, there are no undervalued buys out there.
Savvy investors know that they need to be on a constant lookout to make their money work harder for them and property investments will still be the safest bet out there.
Great buys are present at all times if you work hard at looking for them or work with a dedicated property wealth planner who can seek them out for you.
Property Wealth Planning
Over the years, i have personally trained thousands of Property Wealth Planners and helped many families with income of $10K and above start owning PASSIVE INCOME generating investment properties on top of upgrading to a private property.
For some of them, we even managed to set aside rainy day reserve funds that can last them 6-8 months to further manage risks.
With my clear and fact-based insights and step-by-step Property Wealth Planning™ strategies, my clients have upgraded comfortably to private properties, created passive income streams and have a clear investment roadmap for the next 5 to 10 years.
Watch this short video to find out how exactly i can help you achieve your retirement goals sooner and in a step by step manner. Drop me a note for a discussion!
Need an opinion on your property investment plans, the best buys available or help marketing your properties?
Get a 1-time free 30 min Property Wealth Planning consultation with Stuart and his team of Property Wealth Planners.
Schedule one right now.
A PWP consultation includes:
- An in-depth financial affordability assessment and timeline planning
- Highly relevant investment insights
- A clear and customised investment road map
- A curated list of best buys in today's market with good growth potential & minimal risks
- Selecting units with the highest potential in a new launch project
- Advice on marketing and getting a buyer for your property fast

Stuart Chng, Executive Group District Director at Huttons, is a renowned leader and personality in the real estate industry
He adores music and can play a few instruments decently without upsetting his neighbours. When not doing so, he enjoys pillow fighting with his son and coming up with silly puns which barely amuses his wife.
Professionally, he is a licensed real estate agent, an avid stocks, options and real estate investor, business owner, team leader, speaker and columnist for several property newsletters and blogs and is often quoted in media interviews on 938FM, Channel 8, PropertyReport, PropertyGuru and other publications.
Throughout his career, he has helped many clients grow their wealth through selecting great property investments and managing their portfolios actively. Read his clients' reviews here.
Stuart has also coached many top million dollar producing agents from different real estate agencies in Singapore. Read his agents' reviews here.
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